Most of the Principality’s cultural institutions focus some of their activities on young people.
The Monaco Multimedia Library devotes a page of its programming to young people aged from 3 months to 18 years, featuring a multitude of activities in areas as varied as comics, music and visual arts, not to mention early learning workshops for the little ones and video game tournaments for the older kids.
The Monaco Philosophical Encounters aims some of its activities at young people, with philosophy taster sessions for 7 to 10 year olds and dedicated days for young people to engage in philosophy. A philosophy space, "Philo Monaco" (2bis Rue Émile de Loth) is open every Wednesday afternoon from 2 pm to 5 pm (excluding school holidays), where children can consult books and discuss philosophy! Dedicated workshops are regularly held there.
The Department of Cultural Affairs has, since 2023, organised an open mic event as part of its theatre festival. Music, dance, theatre – whatever the discipline, all young artists aged between 18 and 30, who are of Monegasque nationality, are resident or attend school in Monaco or have a link with the Principality are invited, following a selection process, to perform on the Fort Antoine stage.
The Department of National Education, Youth, and Sports, in collaboration with a number of Monegasque associations, also offers a programme, through the Pass’Sport Culture scheme, where each young person (aged between 11 and 25 years old) can build their own personalised schedule of recreational activities to suit their tastes and available free time.
Some Wednesday afternoons, the Monaco Audiovisual Institute organises cinema screenings specifically aimed at young children (aged 3 and up) and their families. These screenings offer an opportunity to discover cinematic masterpieces in an environment that is conducive to awakening the senses and encouraging discussion. Designed along thematic lines, they include a presentation of several short films as well as an initial section that involves reading illustrated children’s books or a stage performance. The Institute also organises beginner’s editing workshops, with a "mash-up" table that allows participants to work directly on mixing video clips, music, sound effects and voices. These workshops conclude with a presentation of the work produced by the children at a film screening open to the public and families. Some of these workshops are held as part of the Pass’Sport Culture series.
The Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology in Monaco organises events during the school holidays that are designed to awaken children’s curiosity and offer an immersion into the past. The Museum also arranges birthday parties which include activities, workshops and original, educational games appropriate to the child’s age and interests.
In conjunction with its exhibitions, the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco offers workshops for children and families both during the school holidays and every Saturday at 3 pm. Treasure hunts to explore the works exhibited in the gardens of the Villas are also open to visitors every weekend during exhibition periods.
Cultural institutions such as the Monte-Carlo Opera, the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Spring Arts Festival offer free or discounted tickets to young people throughout their programming.
In addition to all of the activities open to the general public, the Department of Education, Youth and Sport operates an educational programme in cooperation with the cultural institutions through a compendium of cultural awareness activities made available to teachers at the beginning of the school year. For example, the Choré-Voix project set up by the education team at the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, the Apprentice Collectors of the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco and the guest philosopher sessions organised by Monaco Philosophical Encounters.

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