In cooperation with all of the major Monegasque cultural institutions, each year the Prince’s Government, through the Department of Cultural Affairs, promotes the introduction of numerous schemes aimed at all young people, from the youngest through to age 30.
All of the Principality’s museums offer a wide range of activities throughout the year: discovery workshops during the school holidays, themed weekends and special trails. In terms of music, theatre and cinema, a wide selection of programming is put on for young people, with special performances at discounted prices.

AGORA, The Museum as a Meeting Place - LAB#3

An afternoon of card games for 7 to 110 years olds

Cine-concert family - The cure & The property man
Online content

Education // The Philosophy Mornings

Choré-Voix with the Ballets de Monte-Carlo

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Scène ouverte - Appel à participation 2025

2025 Open Mic event at Fort Antoine - Call for participants for the Organising Committee is now open!