On ne paie pas ! On ne paie pas ! | Dario Fo and Franca Rame
On ne paie pas! On ne paie pas! (We won’t pay, we won’t pay!) by Dario Fo and Franca Rame, directed by Bernard Levy, Lire aux Eclats Company
Performance at Grimaldi Forum

On ne paie pas! On ne paie pas! (We won’t pay, we won’t pay!) is a great contemporary comedy. A militant and satirical play that Dario Fo and Franca Rame seek to root in the social and political reality of their time.
This is a true theatrical “war machine” that offers hilarity rarely seen in contemporary theatre. The comic mechanism is taken to its absurd extreme to take down human behaviour and the dysfunction of our Western societies. Here, we can see the traces of major comic writing from the theatre (Aristophanes, Faydeau, commedia dell’arte) and film (Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, Begnigni). Packed with references conjured up by the writing with a huge sense of freedom!
Approximate running time: 2h05 without intermission
Casting and technicians
Featuring Eddie Chignara, Anne-Elodie Sorlin, Flore Babled, Grégoire Lagrange, Jean-Philippe Salério and Elie Chapus
- Direction: Bernard Levy, Cie Lire aux Eclats
- Translation/adaptation: Toni Cecchinato et Nicole Colchat
- Artistic collaboration: Jean-Luc Vincent
- Set designer: Damien Caille-Perret
- Set construction: Atelier MC2
- Lighting design: Christian Pinaud
- Costumes: Claudia Jenatsch, with assistance from the MC2 costume workshop
- Sound: Jean de Almeida
- Make-up: Catherine Saint-Sever
- Props: Roberta Chiarito
- Technical direction: Thierry Lacroix
Co-production MC2: Grenoble, Théâtre-Sénart, Scène nationale, Théâtre Montansier-Versailles, Le Volcan-Scène nationale du Havre, Cie Lire aux Eclats
Assistant producers: Théâtre-Sénart, Scène Nationale
Soutien de La Spedidam and Fonpeps
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